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Happy Muleday: Secrets Behind the Copper Mug

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Happy Muleday!


Okay it’s Monday – but we think “Muleday” sounds a lot more fun!


And at Tricky Fish, it is! In fact, on Mondays we have great deals on our full selection of delicious mules at one of the best restaurants near me. For Happy Hour on Mondays, it’s $5/mule! And that is not just our signature mule! We have a full menu of mules including the Lime in the Coco Mule, Fire & Ice Mule, Hola Peno Mango Mule, and more. These are all just $5 during Happy Hour on Mondays, but also available anytime you come see us.


Anyway, so want to learn a few secrets behind the copper mug? How did the mule come into existence? Why the copper? Read on as we discuss:


Who Invented the Moscow Mule?


It’s debatable. While a bartender by the name of Wes Price has taken credit, the most popular story is that it was invented by John Martin and Jack Morgan. As the story goes, John Martin was the ad man for Smirnoff Vodka in the United States; Jack Morgan was the owner of Cock ‘n’ Bull Bar in Los Angeles. At the time (which was the 1940s), Americans weren’t really keen on vodka, so Martin was having a hard time selling it. Meanwhile, Morgan seemed to have a surplus of ginger beer. One night, the two got to thinking and decided, “why not invent a cocktail with both?!” The Moscow Mule that you enjoy at the best restaurants near me was born! 


Why are Moscow Mules Served in a Copper Mug?


In fact, the story above gets better! According to most accounts, Jack Morgan’s girlfriend at the time owned a copper company, so naturally, Morgan was able to get a good deal on copper mugs. This was partly a marketing stunt. Morgan traveled around taking pictures of celebrities and bartenders holding a bottle of Smirnoff vodka and a copper mug, creating excitement around the drink. People would see these then walk into a bar asking for the “vodka drink the copper mug!” They immediately associated copper with the cocktail.


Now maybe this is sheer coincidence, but there is actual science to support that the drink actually tastes better in a copper mug. The copper conducts the chill, making the mug itself icy. This creates a cooling sensation when the drink touches your lips. Not only that, but research suggests the carbonation is actually increased by the copper, making it more fizzy and refreshing.


Who’s Ready for a Moscow Mule?!


Ready to enjoy a mule and share a few fun facts with your friends? Head over to see us at Tricky Fish this week in Fort Worth or Richardson, Texas at one of the best restaurants near me. We have mules, craft beer, delicious scratch kitchen fare, and more. 

Tricky Fish Announces Fat Tuesday Specials

January felt like it was going 15mph in a 30mph speed zone, but February is doing 60mph! 

 Anyone else feel that way?


February is flying by, and we cannot believe that Mardi Gras season is here and Fat Tuesday is right around the corner! At Tricky Fish, one of the best restaurants near me in DFW, we love this time of celebration and fun, but have realized over the years there are some misconceptions about what Fat Tuesday is.


What is Fat Tuesday?

Many have heard this term thrown around, but are unaware of its origins. Years ago, the early church considered Fat Tuesday to be a day of preparation for Lent. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (which is always 46 days before Easter Sunday), and Fat Tuesday is always the day before that – 47 days before Easter. 

There were often dietary restrictions associated with the season of Lent and self denial, and so the goal on Fat Tuesday would be to eat up all the things you couldn’t eat during Lent! Meats, eggs, and other products were brought out for a giant feast to enjoy so that nothing would be wasted. Early on, it was a more solemn day, but over time, this ritual of Fat Tuesday became a day of indulgent and merriment before the sober season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday.


Other Names for Fat Tuesday

Throughout the world, different cultures recognize Fat Tuesday differently! Most famously, the French called it Mardi Gras, and it’s the final day of the modern day Mardi Gras season. Many from Great Britain have called it Pancake Day and those from Poland have called it Paczki Day, because it was their day to use of eggs and dairy that couldn’t be used during Lent on things like pancakes, donuts, and pastries. All different cultures but all with a similar understanding of what Fat Tuesday means. 


Tricky Fish has Fat Tuesday Specials!

At Tricky Fish, we say bring on the celebration! Today, Fat Tuesday is a day to be merry and have fun. Bring your friends and family into Tricky Fish to enjoy $5 Hurricanes, $5 Sazaracs, and $1 Oysters from 2pm – Close on Tuesday, February 25! Tricky Fish is known for our fresh seafood, killer handcrafted drinks, and fabulous atmosphere that makes us one of the best restaurants near me. 

best restaurants near me tricky fish fat tuesday specials drink specials

If you aren’t in the mood for these Fat Tuesday specials, no worries! Of course, we have a full menu of other fresh seafood offerings, scratch kitchen entrees, po’boys, burgers, southern homestyle favorites, appetizers, and more. There is something for everyone at Tricky Fish – one of the best restaurants near me in Richardson or Fort Worth, Texas! 


Join us THIS TUESDAY for Fat Tuesday specials and fun at Tricky Fish!