happy hour richardson

Get the Best Daily Drink Specials at Tricky Fish!

Who needs a drink?!

We thought so.

Here’s the good news: every day at Tricky Fish is a special day, with drink specials galore. Visit us any day of the week and get smokin’ hot discounts on all your favorites. Here’s the rundown:

Sunday: $5 Bloody Marys

We believe brunch is just an all day Sunday kind of thing, perfect for the lazy morning or afternoon before the crazy work week. Celebrate the weekend with $5 Bloody Marys all day, all night Sundays at Tricky Fish!

Monday: $5 Mules

Mules are still as popular as ever, and for good reason. They’re delicious! Join us on Mondays and get your fill with $5 mules all day! We have some delicious variations, including the Hola Peno Mango Mule with Tito’s, Q ginger beer, jalapeno, and mango.

Tuesday: $5 Margaritas

Join Tricky Fish on Tuesday nights and get your margarita fix! Margaritas are just $5 day and night, making Tricky Fish the perfect Richardson happy hour location!

Wednesday: ½ Priced Wine

Ladies – bring your girlfirends and join us on Wedesday for a little thing we like to call Whiney Wendesdays. Vent your frustrations over glasses of your favorite wine, all for half price. Try something new or stick with that trusty Cab. The choice is yours.

Thursday: $2 Off Craft Beer

Love trying the latest in craft beer? Then visit Tricky Fish on Thursdays for $2 off all craft beer! We take pride in having a wide selection of craft beer – both local and not – giving you plenty of options to choose from. One thing’s for sure – they’ll all be good.

Friday: Happy Hour Specials

Friday evenings, from 3-7pm, drop by Tricky Fish and get $2 off draft beer, wine, and seasonal cocktails.

So the next time you’re looking for the best place for drink specials in Richardson or Fort Worth, remember to stop by Tricky Fish! We’ve got you covered!

best drink specials cocktails in richardson texas tricky fish

Brewery Spotlight: Alltech Lexington Brewing Co.

It’s tough being a beer company in bourbon country.


But those are the odds that Alltech Lexington Brewing Co. was up against when they started brewing beer in 1999. Dr. Pearse Lyons believed that a good, craft beer could survive in bourbon country, and that’s why he bought the defunct Lexingon Brewing Co. (which had formerly been in business since the 1790s) and felt the need to reinvigorate it with fresh ideas.


Dr. Lyons – an Irishman with a rich history in brewing and distillery – wanted to infuse the flavors of the area into his beer. And what better way than to brew beer in an old bourbon barrel!


Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale


From an old bourbon barrel, the award-winning Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale was born! Alltech Lexington Brewing Co. gets seasoned barrels from the finest distilleries in Kentucky and then ages its beer in them for up to 6 weeks. The resulting beer is flavored with subtle hints of vanilla, oak, and caramel. It’s by far the breweries most popular beer, even spawning other brews such as Kentucky Peach Barrel Wheat Ale and the Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale Stout. Alltech Kentucky Brewing Co. is careful to only select the most premium barrels for aging, barrels only used once to age bourbon, creating the most robust final product in its beer.


Are you ready to try some Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale yet? You’re in luck because Tricky Fish is proud to offer this delicious craft beer at our Richardson restaurant


We seek out unique craft beers from all over the country, offering new flavors you may be unfamiliar with. Our goal is to find pure, quality ales – such as the Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale – and introduce them to a whole new audience here in the Dallas area.


Not sure Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is right for you? Tricky Fish has a full selection of premium craft beers, signature cocktails, and sippin’ whiskies sure to please.